Wednesday, January 27, 2010


IMD Dubai, held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Minister of Finance, President of the Dubai Health Authority, will utilize a one common exhibition with three parallel sessions concentrating on Anaesthesia, Critical Care, Emergency and Catastrophe Management. These Conferences had during the past years proven its high capability of organizing as well as assembling a solid and powerful scientific educational meeting .
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dothealth Jobs & Business Directory

dothealth is the new web service from IIR Middle East, organizers of Arab Health, dedicated to bringing medical professionals from the region and around the globe, together with the region’s healthcare facilities, hospitals, clinics and suppliers.
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Arab Health Congress 2010

The Arab Health Exhibition and Congress, which runs until 28 January 2010, is the biggest event to date at the Dubai World Trade Centre taking up all available space and featuring more than 2700 exhibiting companies from 70 countries.

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Patient Safety Exhibition & Congress 2010, 17-19 October 2010, Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UAE

The Patient Safety Congress & Exhibition co-locates four vertical events at the Abu Dhabi Medical Congress to form the region’s premier healthcare event, catering to specialised areas in medical sciences under one roof.

One of the most important issues in modern healthcare today is ensuring the safety of patients in the region and across the world; however, approximately two in ten patients still remain victims of errors.

The Patient Safety Exhibition & Congress is designed to act as a ‘call to action’ for hospitals, healthcare centres and government agencies to make patient safety their highest priority, as well as draft guidelines for setting up practical guidance to help clinicians and managers make this a reality.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

UAE Internationational Dental Conference & Arab Dental Exhibition

AEEDC® Dubai 2010 will provide a great opportunity to all leading manufacturers and new comers to expand their market in the Gulf and Middle East region and to create new connection with establishments from around the world.

The UAE International Dental Conference & Arab Dental Exhibition - AEEDC® Dubai is scheduled to be held from 09 - 11 March 2010 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Minister of Finance, President of the Dubai Health Authority in cooperation with the Dubai Health Authority - DHA, & in strategic partnership with the Ministry of Interior Naturalization and Residency Administration, Dubai United Arab Emirates, supported by the FDI World Dental Federation, Arab-Asian Scientific Dental Alliance, Arab Dental Federation, Executive Board of the Health Ministers Council for Gulf Cooperation Council States, GCC Oral Health Committee, Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy, Indian Orthodontic Society and Dental Horizons and with the scientific support from International Association for Orthodontics, Academy of General Dentistry and German Society of Oral Implantology.

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